Why Does The World Need a Dedicated Science Channel?
India Science channel takes the responsibility of developing the scientific temperament of the country and making science popular.
There are hundreds of YouTube channels on science, but none of them matches with Indian Science that is one of a kind Over-The-Top (OTT) platform disseminating education related to the environment, technology, health, culture, and society.

And there is a strong need for developing an OTT platform dedicated to the dissemination of scientific knowledge that viewers can use in their daily life. It is like opening a window to the world unknown to human civilization.
For example, your knowledge of nature wildlife is limited to whatever you see or made to see on commercial channels like Discovery and National Geographic. You might know about the saving the tiger campaign but would have little knowledge of the illegal wildlife trade. Similarly, there are many videos on snakes, but very few on how snakes help us.
It is all about choice and selection
There are many OTT platforms, but most of them are dedicated to entertainment. And a few platforms that run educational programs work more like online tutorials instead of knowledge platforms. For example, you can hardly find a discussion on forest fires because this program shows the planet in a bad light.
A regular science channel would avoid showing programs that give pure knowledge and no entertainment. It would focus more on content that is entertaining in nature to keep the viewers glued to their computers. But a platform dedicated to the dissemination of scientific knowledge will always show the real picture.
There are many things to know, but you simply can’t keep on knowing each and everything you find in your journey to life. There has to be a guide to show you light every time you enter into a dark tunnel.
Indian Science is a lighthouse for everyone that wants to enhance his knowledge, develop an interest in the environment and technology, and take pride in the country’s development. It is an OTT platform available free of cost to all that want to see India through the prism of technology and revolution.
Reasons For Watching This OTT Platform
1. Develop Knowledge
The content you will find on this platform is hard to find on any other platform because it has a strong editorial team that handpicks quality content for viewers, that include people of all ages from school going kids to retired persons and homemakers.
2. Understand India
The scientific heritage of India dates back to time immemorial. It includes much more than the drainage system of Harappan civilization. There are many books in India and now you have this OTT platform where you can see the conclusion of all books written in India.
3. Stay Updated
This OTT platform features programs that are related to the present situation like global warming, forest fire, pandemic, and flora and fauna. Also, it features quizzes and hosts discussions for kids. Viewers can even give their feedback on programs.
4. Fact-Finding
If you ever feel the need of checking facts about science, you can go to the India Science channel. This channel follows a strict verification process to prevent doubtful information from publishing.